quasi-negotiable document câu
negotiable document
The insured may assign his rights under this negotiable document to a third party, usually the consignee, by endorsing the reverse of t...

non-negotiable document
Non-negotiable document evidencing the contract for the transport of cargoNon-negotiable tài liệu chứng minh hợp đồng cho việc vận chuy...

All things are negotiable except the truthMọi chiện có thể thương lượng mà ngoại trừ sự thật 4 weeks of training, more is negotiable.T...

Relax I look like a pregnant woman You look like Quasi modo, how can I relax?l#224;m sao m#224; ph#225;t hi#7879;n #273;#432;#7907;c ch...

In this chapter we still use this tool and it is called the quasi- Mathematical tool.Trong chương này chúng tôi vẫn sử dụng công cụ trê...

It is my intention to document the birth of the child.Tàiliệunàycủa tôi nói vềsựra đờicủamột đứa bé. I have brought you a document to ...

negotiable bill
Non negotiable copy of bill of ladingThẻ: copy non negotiable bill of lading là gì Negotiable/Non Negotiable Bill of LadingThẻ: copy no...

negotiable copy
Non negotiable copy of bill of ladingThẻ: copy non negotiable bill of lading là gì Certificate of origin Non negotiable copy of bill o...

negotiable instrument
A postal money order is not a negotiable instrument.Lệnh thanh toán không phải là một Công cụ Thỏa thuận. A negotiable instrument has ...

negotiable securities
In the stock market, one of the well-known negotiable securities is called ADR (American depositary receipt).Trong thị trường chứng kho...

This offer is non-negotiable and final.Đề nghị này khơng thương thảo và là cuối cùng. It's a non-negotiable in my daily routine.Một th...

price negotiable
Price negotiable with a genuine buyer.Giá bán thỏa thuận với người mua thực thiện chí

quasi money
Mali - Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDPTiền tệ và chuẩn tệ (M2) tính bằng % của GDP Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDPTiền t...

The problem of quasi-conformality.Nghĩa của từ: quasi-comformality

The problem of quasi-conformality.Nghĩa của từ: quasi-comformality

based on quasi-contractbán-khế-ước (quasi-contract)

Funding arrangements that include debt instruments having quasi-equity characteristics will be treated as direct foreign investment.Việ...

Her most famous book, as an Islamic feminist, The Veil and the Male Elite: A Feminist Interpretation of Islam, is a quasi-historical st...

His functions are quasi-judicial.Các chức năng gần như tư pháp The probe is a quasi-judicial process and is allowed under the World Tr...

Supply of Money and Quasi-MoneyTổng của Money và Quasi Money Demand for Money and Quasi-MoneyTổng của Money và Quasi Money

Rather, Melnikov delineates space through partial walls that serve to define specific areas, while maintaining a quasi-open plan that a...

Furthermore, in the flare peak the researchers found significant multi-mode quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs).Hơn nữa, trong đỉnh bùng p...

Does this mean we're likely to be entering a quasi-stable period where what we see now is indicative of things to come?Điều này có nghĩ...

precondition of quasi-stationaryNghĩa của từ: quasi-stationary state precondition of quasi-stationaryNghĩa của từ: quasi-stationary sta...

negotiable bill of lading
Negotiable/Non Negotiable Bill of LadingThẻ: copy non negotiable bill of lading là gì Upon surrender to the Carrier of any one negotia...